The Netherlands Veterinary Medicines Institute (SDa) presents its report ‘Usage of Antibiotics in Agricultural Livestock in the Netherlands in 2019 – Trends, benchmarking of livestock farms and veterinarians’ in English, after this report was published in Dutch in June 2020. With this report, the SDa wants to provide insight into the amounts of antibiotics used in the Dutch veal, broiler, turkey, cattle, pig and rabbit farming sectors in 2019.
During the 2019 reporting year, antibiotic use in the veal, pig, cattle and broiler farming sectors declined by 11.3%, 8.2%, 4.9% and 2.2%, respectively. High antibiotic usage values were recorded for the turkey farming sector and the rabbit farming sector (i.e. meat rabbit farms).
The amount of antibiotics sold declined by 16.1% during the 2019 reporting year, and the 2019 sales data reveal a 69.6% reduction from the government-specified reference year of 2009.
It pleases the SDa to see that even though the Dutch livestock sector is faced with numerous challenges, it still manages to make prudent use of antibiotics a priority.
Download the cover letter, the report and the appendix.